
Trappa Poster Frame

Includes Snap Frame, Graphic & Protective Lens

Trappa Poster Frame edges snap open from the front to allow quick and easy graphic changes, without the need for tools. This sleek framing system features a set of spring-loaded aluminum extrusions mounted to a high-impact polystyrene backer. Available in black and silver. Comes with clear non-glare protective lens, fully assembled and ready to hang. Screws and anchors to mount in either portrait or landscape configuration are included. Please contact us for custom sizing and associated lead times.

Brand: Trappa
Reference Code: TRP2
Lead Time: 3 Days (Rush options)
Hardware Warranty: 5 Year
Trappa™ Poster Frame

Package Includes

Preparing & Submitting Artwork

Prepare the artwork according to these documents:

Submit the print-ready artwork to:

Additional Notes…

There is no flat shipping fee for this product. Please contact us to order.

Ships from Woodridge, IL or Las Vegas, NV. Illinois residents are subject to state sales tax.

Alternative shipping methods and International shipments are available. Deliveries to Canada are subject to applicable taxes and duties.

Lead time indicates production days and does not include time in transit. Rush printing/shipping options are available.

This item is produced in a ISO Standard 14001:2004 ‘Green Certified’ facility that keeps our environment the priority. Learn more. Frame hardware is 100% recyclable.

Graphic design services are available at $65 per hour.

Please contact us with any questions.

Trappa™ Poster Frame

SKU Name · Poster Size Price
TRP2-1-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 8.5″ × 11″ $39
TRP2-2-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 11″ × 14″ $53
TRP2-11-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 11″ × 17″ $57
TRP2-12-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 12″ × 18″ $59
TRP2-4-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 16″ × 20″ $75
TRP2-10-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 18″ × 24″ $103
TRP2-5-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 20″ × 24″ $113
TRP2-7-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 22″ × 28″ $136
TRP2-8-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 24″ × 30″ $147
TRP2-6-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 24″ × 36″ $173
TRP2-9-GI Trappa Poster Frame · 30″ × 40″ $234
Price: $39